ASANTE AKIM N: MP, DCE team-up to accelerate development

Date Created : 10/27/2017 5:05:21 AM : Story Author : Ghanadistricts.com
Lawyer Andy Appiah-Kubi, and Honourable Oti Boateng, Member of Parliament and District Chief Executive respectively have seen their assumption into office demonstrated their love and desire to see development come to the people of Asante Akim North.
There has not been a single week that one will not hear of good news hovering around the environs of the any part of the district.
As promised by the government to set up one factory in each district, Lawyer Andy Appiah-Kubi and Mr. Oti Boateng have managed to secure the consent of some foreign investors into the land of Asante Akyem North ostensibly to set up a factory within the district which will in effect offer a lot of jobs for both the youth and the elderly within the various communities and its nearby districts as the factory will demand its major raw materials from farmers.
These foreign investors were first taken to Agogo Omanhene Nana Akuoko Sarpong to brief him about their major priority of setting up the Factory. Nana Sarpong was impressed and he gave them his support by given them 800 acres of land at Afrisere.
God being so good, the investors made it to the district to make official introduction and monitoring of the site where they will set up the business and also engage in some farming activities as well.
The factory is meant to convert cassava into useful finished and semi-finished goods for use and exports.
Lawyer Andy Appiah-Kubi who doubles as the Deputy Minister of Railways Development together with the District Chief Executive also took the investors to the traditional leaders in Asante Akyem.
The two urged the people of Asante Akyem North and its environs to brace themselves for hard work in order to sustain the factory when it finally takes off.
According to them, the factory will need a lot of raw materials for its production and due to that, mechanisms are being laid down to offer individuals willing to be suppliers of raw materials with financial support so as to enable these farmers to expand their farms.