BINDURI: Assembly promises quality health care

The District Chief Executive of the Binduri District, Ayinga Abagre Yakubu has made it a priority to ensuring that quality health care delivery will be given to residents in the district.

Date Created : 10/23/2017 6:32:50 AM : Story Author : Irene kwakye/

Addressing Assembly members at the first ordinary meeting of the assembly, the DCE noted that although the assembly is faced with teething challenges, providing access to quality health care services will remain their prime concern; thus every conscious effort is being made in achieving this targeted objective.


Mr Yakubu said inadequate health infrastructure in the district adversely affect not only the health of the people but total productivity, as such the assembly would work to get a befitting hospital for the district.


He said since health is life the assembly has submitted proposals to the appropriate quarters in construction of a befitting district hospital.


Mr. Yakubu ended by saying that it will be his greatest delight if they are able to achieve this since this will go a long way in saving people the ordeals of traveling to Bawku and surrounding districts for health services particularly for referral cases.