C GONJA: DCE outlines measures to increase IGF

District Chief Executive of Central Gonja District Assembly, Mustapha Mahama, has expressed confidence that following government’s programmes and policies particularly the 1million dollars per constituency, the funding sources of the assembly will improve come next year.

Date Created : 7/26/2017 6:56:53 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

This however notwithstanding, the DCE called for innovative measures to help in mobilizing more revenue internally to boost their quest of meeting the developmental needs of their people.


He disclosed that for the first half of the year, the assembly’s internally generated fund (IGF) stands at GHs439,986.38, representing 46.6% of the annual estimates of GHs944,950.00) and thus call for steps to be taken in order to meet the total target for the year.  


To achieve improvement therefore, the DCE stated that the assembly will carry out a number of reforms including
1. Embarking on more capacity building training for revenue collectors
2. Establishing revenue task force
3. Strengthening area councils to help with collectors
4. Involving assembly members in identification and sensitization drive
5. Acquisition of software to help with property rate valuation and collection.


Meanwhile the Executive Committee on finance and Finance also recommended that
1.    Area Councilors should support the Assembly in revenue mobilization by educating their electorates on the need to pay taxes especially property rate.
2.    Finance Officer is charged to write and clearly define the revenue items that are to be ceded to the various Area Councils for collection.
3.    The Finance Officer was also charged to write and introduce the newly assigned Revenue Collectors to Hon. Assembly Persons in their various Areas.