Kadjebi district registers 1,502 candidates for 2023 BECE

The Kadjebi District in the Oti Region, has registered a total of 1,502 candidates for the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

Date Created : 6/8/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Daniel Agbesi Latsu/

The district presented 1,234 candidates in 2022 and 1,426 in 2021, respectively.

The candidates include; 733 males, 615 females from 49 Public Junior High Schools (JHSs) and 80 males’, 74 females from 11 Private JHSs.

The 1,502 candidates’ registrations showed an increase of 268 candidates over the previous year’s 1,234 candidates including 673 males, and 561 females.

The district has also witnessed a short fall of 192 candidates in 2022 BECE registration over the year 2021’s 1,426 candidates involving; 758 males’ and 668 females. The candidates would write the examination in five examination centres across the district. There were, however, no visually and hearing-impaired candidates amongst them.

Mr. Christopher Agorkle, the District Examination Officer, disclosed these to the Ghana News Agency in an interview at Kadjebi.

He said the examination would start on Monday, August 7, 2023, with Religious and Moral Education paper and that the examination ends on Friday, August 11, 2023, with French.

Mr. Agorkle said seven Supervisors, four Assistant Supervisors and 50 Invigilators would oversee the examinations if things remain same as in 2022.In 2022, out of the 1,234 candidates registered for the examination, 1,231 candidates involving 670 males and 561 females show up for the examination with three absentees.

The three absentees, who are all males with one reported dead, and the others had no reason assigned for their absence.

Three Nursing mothers and one pregnant girl also seat for the examination.