DCE donates to Prampram Polyclinic

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Ningo Prampram, Mr. Jonathan Teye Doku together with members of the District Assembly and Traditional Council has donated health equipment to the Prampram Polyclinic to support quality health delivery in the District.

Date Created : 9/12/2019 3:11:58 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The items which were procured by management of the Assembly include two Theater monitors, Auto cliff machine, 2.5 horse power air conditioner and a Diathermy machine.

The DCE presenting the equipment to the management of the facility stated that the health of every individual in the district is his priority. Though the Polyclinic is not a decentralized department of the Assembly, he is committed the governments’ agenda of providing all the needs and necessities of the Polyclinic to function as other District health facilities.]

Mr. Teye Doku indicated that the District Assembly received request from other health facilities including Ningo Community Hospital and Mobole CHPS Compound to provide essential and relevant equipment to run the health facilities in the communities. This he admitted would reduce frequent referrals and citizens travelling to Tema and Bator for medication.

Rev. Samuel Obeng Mensah, the Administrator of the polyclinic took the members from the District Assembly and Traditional council to tour the infrastructure and facilities in the Theater and explained the significance of the equipment to complete the Theater and maintain the quality standards of the medical profession.

He then expressed his gratitude and sincere appreciation to the management of the Assembly and promised to make good use of the equipment provided.