
The district is richly endowed with human and natural resources, particularly mineral deposits, forest and timber species, rich soil and good climatic conditions. The district produces large quantities of cassava, maize, rice, plantain, cocoyam and vegetables. Cocoa and palm nuts are the major cash crops. The district has diverse occupational structure.  However, the informal sector takes the majority of the employed population with the formal sector absorbing the rest. The major occupation in the district is agriculture which employs 65 per cent of the labour force. About 52 percent of those engaged in other occupation still take up agriculture as a secondary occupation. This is primarily because of the favourable climatic conditions prevailing in the District. Crop farming is the major Agriculture activities practiced in the District.


Investment and Business Potential

Although the district has no large industries, but it has a number of small scale industries. At the moment, there is one Saw mill, a Citronella Oil Extraction and Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Factory at Asikuma. Others are aluminum pot manufacturing, especially at Jamra and Odoben and cassava processing at Jamra and Anwhiam. 
To develop the industrial sector, the District Assembly aims to organise entrepreneurship development training workshops for industrialists, and to promote the activities of Industrial Associations through educational programmes. The District Assembly, since 1997, has been organising bi-annual trade and investment fairs, in order to attract investors and invisible capital into the district.


There are reports of gold at Ayipey Awomaso, Amanfopong and Kokoso. Diamond is found at Awomaso, Enikokow and Kokoso. Mascourte mica and quarry stones are found at Odoben. There are also clay deposits at Bedum and kaolin deposits at Anwhiam. The district is mainly forest area with very rich soils, which ensure that agriculture is very rewarding. Out of the total land area, about 40% is currently under cultivation by farmers, who form about 85% of the district’s labour force particularly for bamboo production. This serves various purposes, especially the furniture industry, both for local market and for export. The main crops cultivated include cocoa, citrus, pears and oil palm.


There are also seasonal crops such as cassava, maize, cocoyam and vegetables. Others are citronella and sugar cane. Over 300 acres are currently being acquired through the District Assembly both for use by individual farmers on block farming basis and also to provide an enabling environment for prospective investors, both local and foreign.There are abundant opportunities which investors can take advantage of in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. The District Assembly is willing to assist private investors to exploit them to the fullest.

Banking Services

The Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District has two banks. These are Ghana Commercial Bank located at Breman Asikuma and the Brakwa-Breman rural Bank located at Brakwa, with an agency at Breman Asikuma. There in the District, located at Breman Asikuma.

Date Created : 11/14/2017 3:47:11 AM