Kwabre East steps up effort to improve healthcare

The Kwabre East District Assembly has taken action to significantly improve maternal and child healthcare in the area.

Date Created : 6/22/2016 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

It is building a maternity block for the District Hospital at Asonomaso, and a reproductive and child healthcare centre at the Mamponteng Hospital, with work on both projects steadily progressing.

Mr. Adam Iddisah, the District Chief Executive (DCE), said the Assembly would do everything to complete the projects to bring relief to women and children.

He said they were additionally constructing a Community-based Health and Services (CHPS) compound at Bosore, and announced that, three more would be built by the end of the year.

He made these remarks in a speech read on his behalf at a mid-year health performance review meeting.

The DCE vowed to tackle the challenge with staff accommodation, and fix broken down vehicles of the health directorate.

He applauded the health workers for working hard to achieve zero-maternal deaths, and said the expectation was that they would continue to show high level of commitment and professionalism to sustain the achievement.

He underlined the need for them to work together with other stakeholders to promote healthy environmental sanitation practices among the population, to remove the threat of cholera and other diseases.

Dr. Samuel Osei-Somuah, the District Health Director, expressed concern about the sharp drop in out-patients attendance at the various health facilities, and said he suspected something might be wrong.

It was important to find the cause and put measures in place to remedy the situation, he added.

His other worry was with funding, and pleaded with the Assembly to step in as the going was getting tougher for them.