Ga Central Assembly embarks on ‘massive’ clean-up exercise

The Ga Central Municipal Assembly has embarked on a three-day massive clean-up exercise in the municipality.

Date Created : 4/9/2020 5:31:55 AM : Story Author : Nana Kesse/ Ghanadistricts.com

The exercise, according to information gathered by Ghanadistricts.com was aimed at ridding various market centers in the area of filth as the Assembly outlines stringent measures to avoid the spread of the deadly coronavirus in the area and the country as a whole.

Speaking in an interview, Municipal Chief Executive, Emmanuel Lamptey, said the clean-up exercise will involve desilting of gutters, collection of refuse and disposing of them and emptying all litter bins on the streets of the municipality.

He added that the city authority will enforce its sanitation by-laws to ensure that the municipality is always clean.

The clean-up exercise was done in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO).