Kpedze SHS to harvest 115 bags of maize, 70 bags of rice under Planting for Food and Jobs initiative

Kpedze Senior High School (KPESCO) in the Ho West District in the Volta Region is this year expected to harvest 115 and 70 bags of maize and rice respectively as the school embrace the introduction of government Planting for Food and Jobs policy, meant to increase food stuffs whiles creating job opportunity for the teaming youth.

Date Created : 11/12/2018 3:07:01 AM : Story Author : William Dei-Gyau/

This was disclosed to the Minister for Food and Agriculture Owusu Afriyie Akoto and his entourage by the headmaster of the school Mr. Yram Gadotor during the Minister's visit to the Volta Region.

"We the staff and students of Kpedze Senior High School last year with the initiative of the immediate past headmaster Mr. Ben Godwin Kwaku Adzimah after receiving suggestions from the District Chief Executive decided to go into farming to support the school. This initiative was taken after the introduction of the Planting for Food and Jobs policy introduced by the Nana Akufo Addo's government which I understand is geared towards creating jobs for the youth at the same time increasing our Agric production" the newly posted headmaster stated.

Mr. Yram Gadotor added that "we started last year cultivating 16 acres of maize and 8 acres of rice in this school through the school farm module. This year we have cultivate the same size of land with the same crops which we are expecting a harvest of 115 and 70 bags of maize and rice respectively".

He revealed that "the District Chief Executive Officer for Ho West Hon. Ernest Victor Apau who is also an old boy of the school, after his suggestion of this great initiative to the former headmaster together with the Agric Directorate at the Assembly has worked closely with the school since 2017 for this success".

The headmaster who couldn't hide his happiness over the success chocked shown appreciation to the government for the introduction of the flagship programme, thanked the Minister for prioritizing Kpedze SHS by paying this courtesy visit, and also acknowledge the Regional Minister and the District Chief Executive for their numerous support to the school since the initiation of the project.

The Food and Agriculture Minister Honourable Owusu Afriyie Akoto who was enthused at the efforts of the headmaster, teachers, students, the DCE, Agric department of Ho West District Assembly and all stakeholders congratulated for its success whiles encouraging other to emulate.

He then explained that it is a good step taken by the school to make the vision of the President to increase our production of food while creating lasting job opportunities for the youth

"This is a perfect example of how we want the implementation to be. I promise all of you continuous support of government and the ministry to make this model a bigger success" he noted.