NDC PRIMARIES: Upper Denkyira East PC promises Mahama 95% victory

A National Democratic Congress Parliamentary Aspirant for the Upper Denkyira East Constituency in the Central Region, Apatsea Isaac Kwasi has assured John Dramani Mahama a 95% votes in his constituency in the upcoming Presidential Primaries by the NDC.

Date Created : 1/24/2019 3:10:40 AM : Story Author : WilliamDei-Gyau/Ghanadistricts.com

"I will work to deliver 95% Votes for John Mahama in Upper Denkyira East Constituency and also win the Parliamentary seat for NDC in 2020" he said whiles speaking in an interview to Ghanadistricts.com after visiting the branch executives in the Denkyira East constituency to campaign for the endorsement of the former President and also to disclose his plans to contest for the parliamentary seat”.

According to the former constituency secretary John Dramani Mahama stand tall among the other six comrades vying for the flagbearer position.

"John Dramani Mahama has been tested, we have known him to be selfless person who is poised to develop his country, he has proven to be an icon of development who when given the nod will transform the nation from its current state" he argued.

Mr. Apatsea Isaac kwasi questioned on what legacy are the other six candidates going to campaign.

"With what are they the other six aspirants going to campaign with. Isn't Mahama's past glories. so why are they contesting someone they after winning the primaries will campaign with his past records.. Why are they not allowing the person who made those records campaign with his own records and achievement?" He quizzed adding that the NDC is not ready for any try and error as was done in 2016 elections which has landed us in this mess.

Mr. Apatsea Isaac Kwasi who is the immediate past Constituency Secretary count his constituency a lucky one to benefit from the John Mahama's E-block.

He once again pleaded with delegates of the NDC party to settle on the candidature of John Mahama and vote massively for him since he is the only candidate who can wrestle power from the NPP.

He again said that the demeanor of John Mahama makes him the best to lead the NDC as a flag bearer in the 2020 general elections.

Mr. Apatsea Isaac Kwasi urged all the constituency executives, branch executive, party elders, former appointees as well as all party members in the Upper Denkyira East Constituency to put aside the NDC defeat in 2016 and work hard in unity to snatch the seat from the NPP.

He lamented that Upper Denkyira constituency has not witnessed any development under the watch of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and his NPP government after we the NDC lost power in 2016, the uncompleted projects including the CHPs compounds, classroom blocks, the roads among others has been left to rot as they have refused to complete them to be used by the communities.

He urged delegates to vote massively for John Mahama to rescue Upper Denkyira East people as well as Ghanaians from poverty, corruption, insecurity, unplanned education policies among other policies which are driving the state into a gutter.

He once again cautioned the people of Denkyira to vote massively for the NDC and the former President come 2020 general elections if only the need development in the area.

"If only my people in this constituency needs development of which I know we need, should vote massively for the former President John Dramani Mahama, we can attest that the former President did not only give us a Community Day SHS at kyekyewere but the first time the people of this constituency witness an asphalt on the Dunkwa-on-Offin town roads, he gave us a high court, CHPS compound, and uncountable Basic School blocks etc" he stated.

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