Ho Municipal Hospital Childrens Ward has no play items

The Childrens Ward of the Ho Municipal Hospital has virtually no playtime therapeutic items.

Date Created : 11/14/2014 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

The only television set there, according to duty nurses, had become dysfunctional for a long time now.


The Ghana News Agency (GNA) was interacting with nurses after the Apostolic Revelations Church (ARS), Ho-Central Branch, presented 100 pieces of bed sheets with pillow cases to the Ward on Thursday.


Rebecca Abiti Assistant Ward-In-Charge said the ward needed new beds, bedside lockers and screens, as the beds in use now were creaky.


Rev Dr Mawutor Wovenu, Overseer of the Ho ARS Unity Branch, said the donation was in fulfillment of Gods edict to humanity to be each others keeper and also to cast thy bread upon the waters and have returns in many folds.


He said the church would want to assuage the trauma of children taken away from home to the hospital to be healed.


We, (ARS-Central) want them (hospitalized kids) to have a feeling they are not alone, Rev Dr Wovenu, who is also a lecturer at Ho Polytechnic stated.


Rev Dr Wovenu joined by Redeemer Atadi, a Senior Presbyter, presented the bed sheets to Gertrude Amenu, acting Nurse Manager of the facility, who said the presentation would certainly brighten the wards and give Some comfort to the patients.


She said the presentation, represented a big boost to the quality services rendered at the facility.