Yilo Krobo MCE welcomes communal spirit of residents

The Municipal Chief Executive of Yilo Krobo, Eric Tetteh has commended his people for embracing the idea to support accelerated development in the municipality through self-help projects.

Date Created : 10/17/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

A test case of this has been the contributions of the people in collaboration with some private institutions culminating in the paving of the lorry station/durbar ground at Somanya.

The MCE in an interview with asserts that his appeal to the people during the Homecoming Summit to ensure a number of developmental projects can be prioritized and the idea of self-help projects scaled up is yielding positive results.

He disclosed that the 500 square meters durbar ground has been the official location for all major activities in the municipal capital Somanya over the years, but the state of it was not befitting.

But through the contributions of a number of individuals and institutions like GHACEM that donated about 1000 bags of cement, the paving of the place is fast becoming a reality.

Mr. Eric Tetteh commended the people for their resolve to see the municipality grow hence their readiness to even part away with money just to see that materialized.

He reminded the people that the government alone cannot bring the accelerated development they seek for hence the need to get involved.

He said this will be the way a number of their developmental concerns would be addressed and urged the people to come on board when such appeals are made; while assuring them of the judicious use of their donations.