KWAHU A P S: Hopeworks Ghana to roll out CHPS Project

Hopeworks Ghana, a youth development Non-profit Organization has gained approval to join the Sustainable Development Goal, SDG National Platforms.

Date Created : 11/28/2017 6:35:49 AM : Story Author : Nana Adjoa Entsuah

Hopeworks Ghana has implemented several social intervention projects in various communities in Ghana and seeks to roll out a health project to increase assess to better and quality health care delivery for the vulnerable in rural communities and contribute to Government’s effort in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on reducing infant and maternal mortality, etc.

Hopeworks Ghana will particularly operate under goals 1, 3 and 8 to contribute to achieving Agenda 2030 under the SDGs.

SDG -1 looks at ending poverty in all its forms everywhere across the globe. Goal 3 looks at ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages.

It entails Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, Infectious diseases, Non-communicable diseases and mental health as well as other health risks, Health systems and funding.

While Goal 8 is aimed at promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. It will also push for a full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Increasing labor productivity, reducing the unemployment rate, especially for young people, and improving access to financial services and benefits are essential components of sustained and inclusive economic growth.

Over the years, improvement of health service delivery and the overall health development has been guided by the Medium Term Health Strategy document. Subsequent to this, the health sector has implemented a 5 year Programme of Work which was linked more closely to poverty reduction through the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy.

This objective of bridging health inequality has led to investment in the CHPS program and equipping of health facilities in deprived and rural communities to increase access to better/quality health care services which will ensure an improvement in the living standards of peoples in such areas.

This will be done by equipping deprived CHPS compounds with basic medical equipment, medical consumables and other logistics.

One key challenge CHPS compounds addresses is maternal health which falls in line with the Sustainable Development Goals aimed at reducing by 3 quarters, maternal mortality ratio and achieve universal access to reproductive health.

This year’s project seeks to equip the Bumpata CHPS Compound located on an Island in Kwahu Afram Plains South in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

The facility according to the Eastern Regional Health Directorate of the Ghana Health Service lacks basic medical equipment/items such as dress sets, weighing scales, gloves, BP apparatus, gloves, glucometers, delivery beds, solar lamps, solar vaccine refrigerators etc. it also lack the basic means of transportation mainly a motor bike to aid in the easy movement of its staff enable them provide effective and quality health care services for the vulnerable in the community. This is what it seeks to address.

The maiden event endorsed by the Eastern Region Health Directorate of the Ghana Health Service comes off on Friday, 1st December, 2017. The project will soon be replicated in other communities in the three Northern Regions of Ghana.