No Toilet, no Building Permit: Ketu South Declares

The Ketu South Municipal Assembly (KSMA) has reiterated to deny developers permit if their building plans are without toilet facilities.

Date Created : 3/16/2018 4:28:06 AM : Story Author : GNA

Mr Elliot Edem Agbenorwu, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), KSMA, at the 61st independence anniversary parade bemoaned how households in the Municipality resorted to open defecation because their homes had no toilets and said the practice ought to stop.

He said the situation was worsening day by day, hence, the need to ensure that new buildings had toilet facilities and old ones given up to the end of the year to construct toilets facilities.

Mr Agbenorwu said Ghana at 61 and a “Ghana beyond aid”, required that Ghanaians embark on positive attitudinal change in all spheres to avoid borrowing money and “sink into filth”.

He said the reckless dumping of refuse in waterways and gutters and openly defecating in broad daylight were some of the factors aiding the spread of communicable diseases.

Mr Agbenorwu said the Assembly was already burdened with developmental issues and pleaded with the people to help sanitise the Municipality.

He said the Assembly would be providing dustbins at every 200 metre interval and bring in garbage trucks from neighbouring Togo to improve sanitation.

The Ketu South Municipality is known for open defecation, with the coastline being a free-range place of convenience for many, despite several campaigns to make the Volta Region open defecation-free.