Ga West Assembly inaugurates 25 member new Assembly

The Ga West Municipal Assembly has inaugurated newly elected Assembly Members, Government Appointees, and Unit Committee Members at the Ga West Municipal Assembly hall.

Date Created : 2/13/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

A total of 17 elected Assembly members, 8 Government Appointees, and 85 Unit Committee members were sworn into office by Her Ladyship Justice Priscilla Dapaah Mireku.

The President, Representative, Deputy Minister for Finance Dr. John Kumah congratulated Members and charged them to take advantage of mechanism and other innovative systems developed by the Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development to improve upon Internally Generated Funds (IGF).

He reminded them to stick to their core mandates as Assembly Members and work within the remits of the law and further urged them to be cautious in the discharge of their duties.

Dr. Kumah also added that the MLGDRD will in few days organize an orientation training for Assembly members to enable them acquaint themselves with their expected roles and responsibilities.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Mr. Clement Wilkinson stressed the need for members to work together and tap from the rich experiences of old Assembly Members to ensure that, together they build a strong Assembly for the people.

He advised members to develop a culture of selflessness, loyalty, and dedication to contribute to the development of the Municipality.