Sunyani Municipal Insurance Scheme achieves 58 per cent

The Sunyani Municipal Health Insurance Scheme has achieved 58 per cent coverage, having registered a total of 85,225 people, Mr. Patrick Kuagbenu Koku, has announced.

Date Created : 12/3/2016 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Dennis Peprah

He said 3,205 of the insurance card holders were pregnant women, while 6,420 were poor and vulnerable people, with the number of children below 18 years coming to 36,566.

He was speaking at a sensitization forum held to convince people who were yet to enroll to do so.Mr. Koku said the target was to hit 73 percent coverage of 106,355 people out of the area's population of 146,839, by the close of the year.

He underlined their determination to ensure transparency in the financial management of the scheme.

Mrs. Wilhemina Arthur Sibbetee, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the Brong-Ahafo Regional office of the National Health Insurance Authority, said as a social intervention, the scheme was eager to register the poor for the insurance.

She called on religious leaders and organizations to help identify and register the poor for support to enable to have access to quality health care.

Mrs.Sibbettee said free registration of pregnant women, school children and other vulnerable in society was on-going and advised the people to take advantage of that.