ELLEMBELE: DCE, Yinson officials inspect work on Nkroful Agriculture auditorium

The Honorable District Chief Executive (DCE) of the Ellembelle District Assembly in the Western Region, Kwasi Bonzoh has hosted officials of the Yinson Productions West Africa Limited, indigenous oil and gas Service Company to inspect finishing works on a 1215 capacity auditorium of Nkroful Agriculture Secondary School campus.

Date Created : 12/12/2017 5:40:40 AM : Story Author : Alice Abubakari/

Yinson Productions West Africa Limited, as part of their corporate social responsibility as a company is financing the construction of an ultra-modern auditorium equipped with modern audio-visual equipment, an overhead projector and a 30KVA stand-by power generator for the school.

The new auditorium is designed with physically challenged persons in mind, hence it is disability friendly.

When completed it will replace the old one that school currently rely on.

The team was led by Mr. Lars Eik, the Country Manager of Yinson and included Mr. Samuel Edmund, Director of OMA Group and local partners of Yinson, Captain Ari, Takoradi Base Manager as well as staff of both Yinson and the Ellembelle District Assembly.