Be Good Ambassadors of Okaikwei North Assembly - Budget Analyst

The Municipal Budget Analyst of Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly has spoken on the need for revenue collectors to be good Ambassadors of the Assembly.

Date Created : 9/19/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Yeboah

According to Mrs. Cecilia Ofori-Asante, Revenue Collectors who on a daily basis interact with residents in the Municipality do so on behalf of the Assembly.

Explaining that the duty of revenue collection for the Assembly is fraught with challenges, he indicated that there will be resistance on the field in line of duty.

Speaking at the opening of a two-day (September 6th and 7th 2023) training workshop for Account officers and revenue collectors, she urged the collectors to exhibit good behavior even when ratepayers meet them in anger.

Mrs. Ofori-Asante reminded the staff the revenues collected goes into the construction of schools, markets, hospitals among others.
Madam Sefia Salifu, the Senior Human Resource Manager while urging the staff to take the training seriously stated that the workshop was necessary for the revenue collectors to know the job that awaits them on the field.

She explained that the training also serves as an opportunity for the already trained revenue staff to fill in the knowledge gaps they are missing.

Madam Salifu said the Human Resource Department plays a key role in the recruitment of staff, assessment of staff among others while assisting the Assembly to achieve its goals.

She tasked the collectors to give off their best and achieve their set targets.

Madam Salifu also reminded the collectors that they are the image of the Assembly, the reason they must exhibit high professional standards on the field.

Mr. Osman Mohammed, the Internal Auditor taking the Trainees through matters pertaining to Audit said, the staff must be careful of monies collected on behalf of the Assembly.

He stated that all monies collected must be deposited at the bank within 24 hours, warning that failure to obey this directive has dire consequences.

Mr. Mohammed further cautioned the trainees against offences like issuing receipts less than the amounts paid, misplacing General Counterfoil Receipts (GCR’s) among others.

He said collectors who fail to account for monies collected will be prosecuted.
Madam Alice Acquandoh, the Head of Management Information Systems (MIS) urged the trainees to write clearly to enable easy reading.

She said in the event that a business cannot be traced, she tasked the trainees to take the database for the necessary action to be taken.

This she said will also enable the Unit to be able to update its database.

Mrs. Adelaide Boadu, the Principal Accountant urged the trainees to be professional, truthful and appear neatly dressed on the field.
Mr. Victor Amankwah who is in charge of Rating also took the staff through the fee fixing booklet.

The training was to enable staff to understand and acquire knowledge of the effective ways in handling revenue collection which will in turn lead to an increase in revenue mobilization for the Assembly.