Juaboso: DCE calls for support to fight galamsey

The District Chief Executive for Sefwi Juaboso, Hon. Martha Kwayie Manu has appealed to Traditional leaders and other stake holders in the mining sector within the District to support President’s Nana Akuffu-Addo’s vision of eradicating the Illegal Mining menace that has bedeviled the nation and destroyed our water bodies.

Date Created : 3/27/2018 5:37:05 AM : Story Author : Stephen Nani/ Ghanadistricts.com

Speaking at a consultative meeting of the District Committee against Illegal Mining (DCIM) with stakeholders, the District Chief Executive (DCE), Martha Kwayie Manu appealed for the support and cooperation from Assembly members, Unit committees, Chiefs and Traditional Authorities, the security services and citizens to report incidences of suspected Illegal mining activities to the committee for appropriate action.


She further stated that, government has no intentions of collapsing the small scale mining sector, however, government wishes that industry players operates in accordance with the Minerals and Mining act, 2014, (Act703).


“Government acknowledges the contributions of the sector to the Ghanaian economy and therefore cannot totally ignore this sector, and wished to ensure that appropriate regulations are used in the extraction of these minerals,” she said.



The District Chief Executive further appealed to stakeholders to furnish the District Committee against Illegal Mining with information on the illegal mining activities within their respective communities for appropriate response. In her statement, she further explained that the committee cannot succeed without the involvement of Chiefs and other stakeholders in the fight, while commending some Chiefs and Assembly members for their support in the fight against illegal mining.



“As a government, we will not watch aloof for foreigners to destroy our water bodies, extract our rich minerals and leave, while Ghanaians suffer. Small scale mining is for Ghanaians, Ghanaians who wants to respect our laws and not those who will want to destroy everything to enrich themselves.”


Chief of Sefwi Boizan and Krontihene of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, Nana Ntaadu III stated emphatically that he will not accept any illegal mining activity within his jurisdiction and further pledged his support towards the fight. He also indicated that plans are far advance for Star Gold, a mining company with concession in parts of the District to begin their operations. According to him, the operations of Star Gold, will create jobs for the youths within the District and further improve on the local economy of the District.


“As a member of the Committee and I do not support Illegal mining or any other mining that will affect the natural environment that we currently enjoy, I wish to also appeal to all our young men to exercise engaged in Galamsey that, Star Gold will soon commence operations within the District and our young men will have secured jobs rather than endangering their lives in the illegal mining.” He added.