Bad roads delay transport of sick persons - PM Sene Assembly

Presiding Member (PM) of Sene West District Assembly, Thompson Kwabena Adu has expressed worry over the bad nature of roads in the district and lamented that it delays transporting sick persons on emergency cases.

Date Created : 3/4/2019 7:02:26 AM : Story Author : Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/

According to the PM, during emergency cases where referrals are made to other hospitals from the Sene West District Hospitals, “a journey which should take just thirty minutes (30m), it takes an hour forty-five minutes.

He made this remarks as a chairman for an occasion that saw the Member of Parliament, Twumasi Ampofo donate an ambulance to the district health facility.

“If we do not work on our roads, we would still have problems. Last year we had a case where a young man was injured and bleeding, by the time we got the young man to Atebubu we had delayed, a lot of time had passed so his legs had to be cut”.