Bunkpurugu/ Nakpanduri DCE marks Green Ghana Day

The Bunkpurugu/ Nakpanduri District Chief Executive, Joseph Louknaan has planted trees in the District to mark the Green Ghana initiative and to also restore the lost vegetation in the District.

Date Created : 6/16/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Kantukib Loayer/Ghanadistricts.com

Speaking at the commemoration to mark the 2022 Green Ghana day, the DCE stated that the District has lost it vegetation which needs to be restored.

He therefore encouraged everyone in the District to make sure they plant trees to restore the lost vegetation in the district.

He also pleaded with the stakeholders especially the traditional authorities in the district to support the forestry commission in the District to discharge their duties anywhere the find themselves.

He said that the tree planting or the Green Ghana initiative introduced by the government will help in addressing the environmental issues in the District and in Ghana as a whole, especially preventing further global warming and reversing the effects of global warming.

“It also helps in avoiding desertification”, he added.