PWDs in Agotime- Ziope receive support

A total of 195 registered Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) in the Agotime-Ziope District have received items worth GH¢ 120,000 to help set up various businesses.

Date Created : 3/27/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Ebenezer Sowah

The items, mainly cereals were purchased by the Assembly at the request of the PLWDs based on their needs, talents, and trades through the PLWDs fund.

Mr. Dickson D. Dzorkpe, Agotime-Ziope District Chief Executive, at a short ceremony to present the items to the beneficiaries said the Assembly was in the process of registering more PLWDs in the District under the District Album to help in the evenly distribution of subsequent supports.

He asked the beneficiaries to put the capital to good use and serve as "shining" examples to other entrepreneurs.

Mr. Dzorkpe said milling machines would be included in next year's support and said many avenues were being created to engage all PLWDs in varietY of businesses suitable to them.

Mr. Kingsley Bismark Sonu, District Director, Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Agotime-Ziope said the 195 beneficiaries added up to the 42 who benefited last year totaling 237, representing 37 percent of the entire registered population of 638 PLWDs in the District.

He gave the assurance that all PLWDs in the District would be captured in the District Album by 2021.

Mr. Sonu said the PLWD Fund Committee outlined a permanent distribution formula, which considered various factors acceptable by all in areas such as agriculture (farming and rearing), health care, educational support, artisanship, and business.

He said the distribution procedure was by far one of the fairest, largest, and most efficient mode of distribution ever by a Municipal, Metropolitan and District Assembly (MMDA) in the country and commended members of the committee and the Assembly.

Mr. Prosper Kporku, Chairman, PLWDs, Agotime Ziope expressed appreciation to the Assembly for the support and urged recipients to put the items received to proper use.

The 699 items presented included two Sanya motorbikes, five double-decker freezers, 110 bags of 105kg maize, 105 bags of 50kg beans, 102 bags of 50kg gari, 115 bags of 25kg rice, 115 gallons of 25 litre cooking oil and 105 dozen crates of soft drinks.