Assembly makes employment top priority - MCE

The Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Assembly has made job creation a top priority on its development agenda.

Date Created : 3/7/2018 7:52:02 AM : Story Author : Ghanadistricts.com/ Rosemary O. Yeboah

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Madam Beatrice Serwaa Derkyi, said providing employment opportunities for the people, was at the heart of everything it was doing.

She was addressing a parade of 1,600 school children to mark the 61st anniversary of Ghana’s Independence at Ejisu.

The theme chosen for the event was “Ghana beyond aid” and in attendance were Mr. Kwabena Owusu Aduomi, the Member of Parliament (MP), chiefs, and religious leaders.

In conversation with Ghanadistricts.com, Madam Derkyi said, they were determined to go the extra mile to improve the quality of life of the people in the area.

The assembly was now ready with its medium term development plan and it was going toserve as the framework for the provision of social services and infrastructure across the municipality.

She added that the implementation of the plan would see significant socio-economic progress in the area.

Mad. Serwaa encouraged the people to provide useful leads to the police to help rein in any miscreants – those who had chosen to live outside the law.

Deserving schools were presented with certificates and plaques.


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