Assemblyman appeals to government to restore degraded galamsey sites

The issue of illegal mining (Galamsey) has been a topical and consistent issue of national discourse in Ghana for close to a decade.

Date Created : 11/15/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Story by Susana Danso/Ghanadistricts.com

For years, residents of Denkyembour District have had to battle the menace caused by illegal miners; farmers wrangle with them over pieces of land for cultivation.

To find pragmatic solutions to the menace, the Assemblyman for Boadua East Electoral area, Vincent Akorli has urged the government to embark on a land reclamation project to restore lands that have been degraded through illegal mining in the area.

The Assemblyman speaking to Ghanadistricts.com in an interview urged the government and all other concerned bodies to intensify efforts at reclaiming degraded lands for the cultivation of cocoa and oil palm production to create jobs for the teaming unemployed youth in the area as well as boost the country’s revenue generation as these crop and their products are on demand internationally.

He described the initiative as one of the best alternative livelihood opportunities for the people and will also promote agriculture since the District is a farming community.


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