ASOKORE: Assembly to promote small farm holdings

Mr. Nuhu Mohammed has been adjudged the overall best farmer at this year’s farmers’ day celebration at the Asokore Mampong Municipality.

Date Created : 11/9/2016 8:17:17 AM : Story Author : Gertrude Nadjat Achelogo/

He received a refrigerator, one piece of cloth, knapsack sprayer, and a set of farming inputs.

Twelve others were also awarded in various categories of farming with Herbert Arthur, a thirteen year old rabbit keeper emerging as the best in non-traditional farming. He was awarded with a wheelbarrow, cutlass, a bicycle and a watering can.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Alhaji Nurudeen Hamidan in his speech congratulated the illustrious farmers for choosing agriculture as a profession to produce food for their communities and to ensure food security not only in the municipality but also in the country at large.

He indicated that this year’s theme: “Agriculture: A Business Response to Economic Growth.” Seeks to use agriculture to push economic growth and transformer Ghana into a real food security and self-sufficiency and to making agriculture a business venture that would act only improve household income but also eradicate hunger and poverty.

The Municipal chief Executive was worried that the municipality having been curved out of Kumasi Metropolis is the second highest in terms of population yet the smallest in terms of land size for farming activities. This he said poses significant challenge to farmers within the municipality.

The MCE was however optimistic that the municipal Assembly will device means of promoting effective and efficient smallholder crop farming, livestock and fish farming which requires no large land size. 

The Municipal Director of Agric, Moslem Josephine Amoh advised farmers to keep farm records to help them know how to sell the products in order not to run at a loss.

She said her outfit during the year visited one thousand three hundred and two (1,302) farmers within the municipality to educate farmers on best agricultural practices.

Madam Amoh urged farmers to desist from using other hard chemicals in spraying seedlings.