GRA Tax Compliance Takes Centre Stage at Jaman North Town Hall Meeting
The Brong Ahafo Regional Information Officer (RIO), Mr. Imoro Ayibani has advised Ghanaians to honour their tax obligations to enable government mobilize the much needed revenue to execute its programmes and polices for the nations development.

Date Created : 12/18/2017 1:18:09 AM : Story Author : Michael Boahen/Ghanadistricts.com
He noted as Ghanaians we bound be certain duties and responsibilities and payment of taxes was important for the collective good and development of the country hence the collaboration between the Information Services Department (ISD) and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to educate residents on the importance of the payment of taxes.
On the Town Hall Meeting, he observed it was an initiative by the Ministry of Information (MIO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) to afford citizens the opportunity to interact with key stakeholders to deepen the country’s governance process and therefore tasked participants to demand accountability from office holders by fully participating in the programme.
The District Chief Executive (DCE) Hon. Anane Ankomah in an address appealed to government and partners to address the numerous challenges facing the health sector that has so far recorded 36 outbreak of Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis (CSM) with 3 deaths.
He tasked the District Health Directorate and stakeholders to intensified sensitization and education on the matter as the limited health facilities in the district cannot contain the situation.
Hon. Ankomah commended government, National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) and the National TB Control Programme for installing the first ever ultra-modern X-ray equipment under the NMCP in partnership with UNIVERSAL DEIFT of Netherlands to improve healthcare in the district.
He highlighted government social interventions such as Free SHS, Planting for Foods and Jobs, School Feeding Programme (SFP), Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), One District One Factory among others and urged residents to take advantage of the interventions for economic transformation of the area.
He added other areas that would receive priority attention included education, water, health, energy and road sectors and assured that all inherited projects under the previous NDC government would be completed.
Hon. Paul Desmond Tutu, the Presiding Member of the Assembly in his address appealed for peace and collaboration between the assembly and stakeholders to attract more investors for development.
He lamented over the poor road network in the district and tasked government to take special attention on that to open the area as a major cashew producing district.
Hon. Desmond Tutu challenged assemblies to consider the interest of the area above all other considerations before taking decisions of the house and urged them to elect a new PM in their next sitting to move the district forward.
The assembly has failed to elect a new PM after two rounds of voting last week. The Chief of Kokoa and Acting President of the Sampa Traditional Council, Nana Kwadwo Masa who chaired the programme appealed to government to honour all its campaign promise to residents.
He assured of Nananom resolve to partner government in all her development agenda.