NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ADA W: Assembly relocates to new office

The Ada West District Assembly has rehabilitated the old Highways Department yard at Sege at the cost of GH¢165,000 for use as the district’s administration offices.

Date Created : 5/21/2014 10:41:00 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Ada West District Assembly has rehabilitated the old Highways Department yard at Sege at the cost of GH¢165,000 for use as the district’s administration offices.

The funding was from its share of the Common Fund.

The District Chief Executive, Mr Anthony Yaw Klokpa, said as one of the new districts created in 2012, it was using the Sege Area Council building as a temporal accommodation.
According to him, that office space was too small for the officers of the Assembly hence the rehabilitation of the spacious abandoned highway yard to serve the purpose.
He said the vision of Ada West Assembly was to construct a bigger ultra-modern facility, which could house all the officers of the Assembly and the decentralized departments.
Mr Klorkpa disclosed that the chiefs have allocated land for that purpose.