NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

( AGONA-NKWANTA) AHANTA WEST : Ghanaians urged to participate in D/A election

The Secretary of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Kojo Tito Voegborlo has urged electorates to show greater interest in next year’s district assembly election.

Date Created : 11/18/2009 2:16:56 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Secretary of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Kojo Tito Voegborlo has urged electorates to show greater interest in next year’s district assembly election.

He said next year’s district level elections must attract many voters in order to elect assembly members, who would be capable of spearheading the development of the

Mr Voegborlo made the call at a one-day sensitisation workshop on Local Governance organised by the NCCE for Ahanta West District at Agona Nkwanta in the Western Region to create awareness on the election.

The workshop was under the theme: "Local Governance and 2010 District Assembly Election".

Mr Voegborlo said assembly members should be effective agents of change, who would serve as middlemen between the assemblies and the electorate.

He said they should also endeavour to involve the people in their affairs because it was only in doing so that they could rally support for their actions for development.

According to him, the electorate should also ensure that assembly members performed.

District Chief Executives and assembly members, he said, should be accountable to the people while the people also ensure accountability among themselves.
He said if accountability is enforced in all areas of national life, the country would progress and added that the growth of the country’s democracy was hinged on the extent to which the various district assemblies respected the principles of accountability and transparency.