NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

BUILSA : Floods ravage districts

Many homes, farmlands, business centres, and schools were last Tuesday hit by floods following a persostent heavy downpour that started in the early hours of that fateful day.
Parts of Builsa District and other hard hit areas of the 2007 flood were not spared.

Date Created : 9/4/2009 7:00:11 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Many homes, farmlands, business centres, and schools were last Tuesday hit by floods following a persostent heavy downpour that started in the early hours of that fateful day.

Parts of Builsa District and other hard hit areas of the 2007 flood were not spared.

In Bolgatanga, area such as Sawaba and the entire low-lying areas of Estates, Abole Junction, Adom Kiddies, a private educational institution, Mount Sinai, and the Royal Hotel were overcome by flood waters.

At Sawaba, it was reported that a pregnant woman was found on the roof of her house with her baby and was later rescued by a rescue team of boat operators.

In order to ascertain the extent of damage, the Regional Minister, Hon Mark Wayongo visited the affected areas.

He also visited farmlands that were totally submerged by flood waters at Pwalugu in the Talensi Nabdam District.

He observed that the flooding in the region had become an annual ritual, and advised the affected people and those in the other low-lying areas to move to higher grounds to avoid similar occurrences.

Hon. Woyongo expressed worry about the appalling nature of some major roads in the region, particularly, Bolgatanga-Bawku and others in the Builsa Districts, citing the potholes in the Municipality that are now being described as dams.

He hinted that some of the roads were being awarded on contract for reshaping while funds were being sought to award other ones.

He observed that if measures were not taken to curb the situation, some villages in the region would be cut off.

Hon Wayongo and the new Regional Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), Mr Adakake Yanlorigya, said there were no relief items in the stores of the organisation, thus no assistance so far for the victims.

The Regional Minister has however forwarded an SOS message to Accra for consideration.
