Oguaa Assembly to computerize source of revenue to check fraud

The Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly is working out modalities to automate all its revenue sources to make easier for the computerization of targeted revenue to check fraud.

Date Created : 6/18/2009 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Mr Anthony Egyir Aikins, Metropolitan Chief Executive, told the GNA in an interview that in view of perceived fraudulent deals by some revenue collectors it would be prudent for the assembly to identify all such sources for projection to be made so that sources of short-falls can be detected and dealt with.

Mr Aikins said this would help block all loopholes, increase the revenue base of the assembly and pave the way for proper budget planning as well as monitoring of expected revenue and expenditure.

On his plan for the development of the area Mr Aikins said his vision is to development Cape Coast into model city to befit its status\" and that he

would make all citizen and other stakeholders part of the decision making process.

To achieve this, as a start, a consultative assembly of a cross-section of the public would he held to deliberate and draw up a comprehensive development plan after which a draft would be issued for input by various communities on how they would want the area to be like.

He expressed the hope that an action plan to facilitate this could be drawn up within the next 100 days to enable the assembly to source funds for its take off.

He said the modernization of the Kotokoraba market was on the drawing board and that a lot of investors have expressed interest in the project.