West Gonja DCE marks “My First Day at School”

Pupils from Busunu and Laribanga Primary in the West Gonja District Assembly in the Northern Region were thrown into a jubilant mood when officials from the Education Service, the District Chief Executive (DCE) Saeed Muhazu, DCD Mr Salifu Mahmood interacted with them as part of the “My First Day at School” initiative.

Date Created : 9/14/2017 6:13:17 AM : Story Author : Alice Abubakari/

My First Day at School is marked to encourage children of school –going ages that are not in school to increase enrolment at the basic level.



The DCE, Mr Jiril, used the occasion to encourage the pupils to put up good behavior, study hard in order to become who they want to be in future.



The DCE, urged the teachers to do their best in teaching the kids especially the basics ones and handle them with care in order for them to feel comfortable in school.



Drinks, biscuits and other items were shared among the pupils.