Sege residents decry abandonment of new slaughterhouse

Some residents of Sege in the Ada West District of the Greater Accra Region have expressed disappointment at the abandoning of a newly built slaughterhouse, while the butchers employ unhygienic slaughtering practices, exposing the community to public health problems.

Date Created : 8/19/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Opesika Tetteh Puplampu/

The modern slaughterhouse, valued at GH?290,000, has been left to rot after its completion in 2022 and handed over to local butchers in February 2023.

The butchers, however, continue to operate from an old, dilapidated slaughterhouse within the community.

This neglect has led to pollution of the community, as they continuously emit smoke from the unhygienic slaughtering practices, which endangers the lives of residents.

There have been reports of an alarming rise in cases of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) and typhoid, particularly among children and the elderly at the various health facilities in the area.

During a town hall accountability meeting, Mr. Sampson Tetteh Kpankpah, the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Ada West, was asked to explain why such a significant investment was allowed to go to waste.

Residents questioned the rationale behind the butchers refusal to relocate to the new facility and the assembly's apparent inability to enforce the regulation.

Madam Sarah Anim, a 67-year-old resident who lives about 20 meters from the old slaughterhouse, shared her disappointment, saying "We were promised a healthier environment with this new slaughterhouse, but now it’s just sitting there, unused.”

“The smoke and stench from the old facility has made our lives unbearable."

Ms Juliana Ogbey, another resident, said: "It’s heartbreaking to see such a huge amount of money go to waste while we suffer here. We are pleading with the authorities to act swiftly before more lives are affected."

Responding, the DCE expressed regret over the situation and assured the residents that steps would be taken to address the issue.

He acknowledged the assembly's failure to ensure the immediate relocation of the butchers to the new facility and pledged to engage with the butchers on the way forward.

"The Assembly recognises the investment made in the new slaughterhouse and the need to protect the health and well-being of the people of Sege.”

“We will intensify our efforts to ensure that the butchers move to the new facility as soon as possible" he stated.

The residents said they remain hopeful that the assembly would take decisive action to end their suffering.