Gov’t would continue to provide strategic supports to companies, enterprises – Nana Akufo-Addo

President Nana Akufo-Addo on Tuesday, joined Directors of B5 Plus Steel Factory to commission the first phase of the factory which operates under the Government’s One-District-One-Factory (1D1F) initiative.

Date Created : 4/14/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

According to President Akufo-Addo, the successful establishment of the plant is a concrete manifestation that the new paradigm of economic development, which his administration has been vigorously pursuing since 2017, and insisting on value-addition to increase industrial activities within a conducive and business-friendly environment, is making headway.

He noted that he came into office in 2017 with a clear appreciation of the fact that, “unless we industrialize, with the goal of adding value to our primary products, we cannot create the necessary numbers of high-paying jobs that will address this grave problem of unemployment, as well as enhance the living standards of the mass of our people.”

This, he stated is “why Government took steps to roll-out the 1D1F initiative. The seventy-six (76) factories operating under this initiative have so far employed some 139,000 people, who, hitherto, would have been at home twiddling their thumbs, with no hope in sight.”

He was, therefore, confident that when all the 1D1F projects come on stream, some 285,000 more Ghanaians will get direct jobs, as the 1D1F policy has the potential to absorb many more young graduates into well-paying, sustainable jobs within their district, municipal or metropolitan areas.

The President reiterated his Government’s continued commitment to providing strategic support to companies and enterprises operating in Ghana.