NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

ASUNAFO S: Rudeya holds capacity building workshop for forest stakeholders

A Kumasi Based Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) called Rural Development Youth Association (RUDEYA) in Ghana has organised a day’s sensitization workshop for Forest Stakeholders in the Asunafo South District of the Brong Ahafo.

Date Created : 5/22/2014 1:11:13 PM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

A Kumasi Based Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) called Rural Development Youth Association (RUDEYA) in Ghana has organised a day’s sensitization workshop for Forest Stakeholders in the Asunafo South District of the Brong Ahafo.

The workshop which was aimed at educating participant on the roles of achieving a successful implementation of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) that will address trade illegalities in the timber business was well attended by Traditional Leaders, Assembly Members, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and other Forest Stakeholders in the District.

In a presentation, the Project Officer of the Organisation Mr. Owusu Asare explained that, the VPA is an agreement under the European Union’s (EU’s) Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative that is negotiated between the EU and timber exporting countries.

He said the agreement is aimed at putting in place systems to verify the legalities of all timber exports and to strengthen forest governance more broadly.

Mr. Owusus Asare noted that in 2013, timber trade with the EU accounted for almost 30% of Ghana’s timber export adding that with negotiations to control the trade in illegal timber now in place in the EU and other key international markets, it is essential that companies exporting to those markets, are able to provide credible evidence of the legalities of their timber products in order to secure market access.

He noted with grieved concern the activities of illegal chain saw operators which he claims is the major cause of our forest degradation causing the Forest Commission, Administration of Stool Lands and the District Assemblies to lose a lot of revenue leading to inadequate developmental projects in the Districts and therefore charged all Forest Stakeholders to support and monitor the activities of timber operations in their communities.

He further observed that, though some measures had been instituted recently to boost the collection of the Stumpage fees which is a price a firm pays for the right to harvest timber by the Commission, more needs to be done.

In an address read on his behalf, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the Asunafo South District Assembly Hon. Abrahams Atta Bosompem said the signature of the VPA sent a signal of Ghana’s commitment to deal with the challenges of illegal logging and its associated economic, social and environmental costs.

Hon. Atta Bosompem added that, the Assembly will also support communities during the Social Responsibility Agreement (SRA) negotiations and ensure that timber companies implement what has been agreed on the SRA.

He therefore charged all Stakeholders to put hands on deck to protect our forest reserves.

Emmanuel Yaw Acheampong/