
The region prides itself on having public institutions such as University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani Technical University, Dormaa Senior High School, Sunyani Senior High school, St. Vitus, Notre Dame Girls Senior High School, Sacred Heart Senior High School, Twene Amanfo Senior High Technical School, Odumanseman Senior High School, Bonoman Senior High School, Abesim Senior High School plus many other private educational institutions such as the Catholic University in Fiapre, Ideal College, Saint James Senior High Seminary in Abesim, Miracle Preparatory Junior & High School, Sunyani Business High School etc

Education involves the adoption of procedures to help individuals to formally gain knowledge, skills and values for the advancement of societies. Education positively influences human resource and economic development. The 2010 census obtained information on school attendance for persons three years and older and on language of literacy. 


Literacy level by sex and District

Literacy levels for persons 11 years and older by sex and District. The data reveals that about 70 percent of the population are literate. More than half are literate in both English and a Ghanaian language and a little over one-fourth are literate in only one of the two languages, English and a Ghanaian Language. Less than one percent of the population are literate in French. Persons who can speak two other languages in addition to English (e.g. English, French and a Ghanaian) language were twice as much as those who speak English and French.

Berekum and Sunyani are the only Municipalities that have the highest proportion of literate population in both English and a Ghanaian language (60%); they are also the only areas with lowest proportions of persons not literate in any language (20%). Five Districts, Sene, Pru, AtebubuAmantin and Kintampo North and South have less than 10 percent of the population literate in both English and a Ghanaian language. For these same five Districts, about two out of every five persons are not literate in any language. Dormaa and two other Districts, Jaman South and Asunafo South have proportions that are literate in only EnglishAcross all Districts a lighen percentage of more females than males are not literate in any language in the Region Sunyani municipal (14.2%) has the smallest illiteracy rate while Sene (36.7%) has the largest for both sexes.

 Illiteracy levels ranged from about 11 to 45 percent for males and 7.5 to 57.4 percent for females. The percentage males who are literate in both English and a Ghanaian language is higher than that of females in all Districts. Disparity between the sexes for literacy in English only in the Districts however is not as much as the disparity for not being literate in any language including literacy in English and any Ghanaian language. A higher percentage of females than males, in all Districts, are literate in a Ghanaian language, except Sene where the proportion of males is marginally higher than that of females

Literacy level by type of locality and District

Illiteracy levels are generally higher in rural (37.6%) than in urban (21.6%) localities. Illiteracy levels in urban localities range from 45.1 percent in Sene district to 11.5 percent in both Sunyani Municipality and Sunyani West District. Pru has the highest level of illiteracy in rural settings (56.5%) with Berekum having the lowest (20.5%). More than half the rural population of three other District, Atebubu, Amantin, Sene and KintampoNorth Municipality, are not literate. Nkoranza South, Kintampo North and Sene stand out as having the highest literacy levels in English (more than 20 percent). Literacy in French is low and only Sunyani, Jaman North and South have literacy levels in the French language above one percent.

School Attendance

Formal education enables people to acquire certain knowledge and skills that promote development. The census solicited information on school attendance status for persons three years and older. The information categorizes persons of school going age into three, namely: 1) never attended school, 2) currently in school and 3) has attended school.

School attendance by level of education, sex and District

More than half of the population (51.7%) has attained basic education comprising of primary (26.2%), JSS/JHS (18.3%) and middle (7.2%). A little below 5 percent of the population has higher education beyond the secondary level to a first degree. One in a thousand persons in the Region has attained post-graduate education. Sunyani Municipal has the lowest proportion of people who have never attended school (13.0%). Sene and Pru have the highest proportions (more than 40%) of never attended school). Between the sexes, males are far better educated than females.

The difference between males and females for persons who have never attended school is nearly ten-fold. While as low as 3.4 percent of males have never attended school, close to a third (30.7%) of the females have never attended school. However, females (40.6%) have slight edge over males (36%) at the basic level (primary, JSS/JHS and middle). Beyond the basic level, in all Districts, males have higher levels of education than females. of less than 10 percent.7.3.3 . 

Past school attendance

The District and levels attained shows the stock of educated people in the Region, that is, those who have ever attended school. The data reveal that persons who have ever attended basic level of education are the majority in the Region with middle level school attainment recording the highest proportion of persons who have ever attended school. Techiman recorded the highest proportion of past school attendance (more than 10 %). Kintampo South, Dormaa East and Nkoranza recorded the least educational achievement of 2.7 percent.

Four Municipalities, Techiman, Sunyani, Dormaa and Berekum have relatively high levels of past school attendance compared to Kintampo South, Dormaa East, Pru and Nkoranza North and South. Techiman, Dormaa and Berekum have the highest proportions of people who have completed basic education (primary, middle and JSS/JHS). Pru and Dormaa East recorded the least past school attendance at the basic level. Techiman reported the highest proportion of persons with past secondary level education. Dormaa East and Kintampo South reported the least attainment in secondary level education.

Sunyani Municipal recorded the highest level of completion of technical education (43.9%). Nkoranza North, Dormaa East, Kintampo South and Sene, all reported low technical education attainment. Sunyani reported the highest proportion of persons with a bachelor and post graduate degrees in the Region. Sunyani and Techiman Municipalities alone accounted for about 40 percent of both bachelor and post graduate education attainment in the Region



Date Created : 8/11/2023 12:00:00 AM