
Local Economic Development

Local Economic Development (LED) is the process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation with the aim to improve the quality of life for all. It is also the process of encouraging Public-Private-Partnership to improve the rate of local economic development by identifying proposals for practical activities to promote local economic development. It is a partnership between local government, business and community interests. In this view local governments, businesses and civil society organizations come together to raise incomes of the local people sustainably and improve their standard of living. LED is about creating jobs, securing livelihoods, improving infrastructure and managing local resources.

Practicing local economic development means working directly to build up the economic strength of the local area to improve the economic future and quality of life of the inhabitants. The success of districts/communities to compete in the fast changing world today depends on them being able to adapt to the fast changing and increasingly competitive market environment. Each district has unique local conditions that can help or hinder its economic development and these local characteristics form the seeds from which any local economic development strategy can be developed to improve local economic growth opportunities. To build competitiveness, the district  should undertake a collaborative process to understand and act on its own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to make the local area attractive to business, new employees and supporting institutions by creating favourable environment for business success and job creation.

Strength of LED

Agriculture is the major driving force for economic development in the district

More diversified economic activities

Favourable climatic conditions for farming

Willingness of Traditional Authorities to support economic development

Availability of financial institutions

Dedication of District Assembly to support economic development

Existence of Business Advisory Centre ( BAC)

Availability of potential tourist attractions

Weaknesses of LED

Unused business opportunities in tourism

Lack of business management training

Difficulty in accessing financial support

Forest depleted by chainsaw operators

Lack of storage facilities

Lack of funds to support LED activities

Lack of political will and full commitment to the implementation of the action plan to develop the district.

 BAC Activities for the Promotion LED

Business Services- Technology transfer

Advisory and Extension Services

Provision of Business Information

Access to Rural Finance

Support to Business Associations

Agriculture Commodity Processing and Infrastructure  Development

Institutional Development

LED Opportunities in the District

LED opportunities in the district include:

Pro-poor tourism



Cassava production and processing

Clay mining

 Implications for development

The District Assembly should commit enough resources to support and promote LED activities in the district

The over aching goal of LED is to create jobs and incomes. It is therefore crucial for the Assembly to involve employment promotion measures and organization in LED activities

Untapped business opportunities, for example in tourism should be explored by the Assembly and the private sector to create jobs for the youth

The construction of an garage in the district where the youth can be trained in skills will solve the unemployment problems in the district




Date Created : 11/18/2017 4:06:44 AM